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Momomi 抗過敏羽絨被 - 大號 / Queen 220 x 220 cm (1694 g)

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  • 市場價格:只限加盟商瀏覽
  • 商品重量:0克
  • 上架時間:2024-02-03
  • 產品描述
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對於我們中的許多人來說,睡個好覺是一天中最美好的時光之一。 然而,對於患有哮喘和過敏症的人來說,情況通常並非如此。 許多研究表明,羽毛床上用品會導致超敏反應,當人吸入鳥類羽毛上的灰塵時就會發生這種情況。 因此,患有嚴重過敏症的人可能希望完全避免使用羽絨或羽毛製品。 塵蟎、臭蟲、花粉、黴菌、皮屑和細菌等常見刺激物經常會進入我們的床上用品,尤其是我們的羽絨被和床單。 雖然您可以清洗這些物品,但不必每晚都洗。 這就是為什麼 Momomi® 抗過敏羽絨被是防止塵蟎和臭蟲的第一解決方案!  

Searching for a soft, silky, and anti-allergy duvet that promises sweet dreams?

For many of us, hitting the hay for a good night's sleep is one of the best parts of the day. However, that's not usually the case for people with asthma and allergies. A lot of research shows that feather bedding can cause hypersensitivity, these can occur when a person inhales dust from bird feathers. So people with severe allergies may wish to avoid down or feather products altogether. Common irritants like dust mites, bed bugs, pollen, mold, dander, and bacteria often find their way into our bedding, especially our duvet and sheets. While you may be able to wash these items, you shouldn't have to do it every night. That's why the Momomi® Anti-Allergy Duvet is the #1 solution to protect against dust mites and bed bugs!  


  • 抗菌防異味 優質面料和氣味控制技術通過有效抑制氣味產生和細菌生長,將這款被子與其他被子區分開來,為令人驚嘆的睡眠提供合適的條件。
  • 低過敏性 與傳統的羽絨被不同,這款低過敏性羽絨被採用獨特的防塵蟎面料和填充設計,可抑制和驅除過敏原,讓您每晚都能睡個好覺!
  • 輕盈、蓬鬆、柔軟如空氣 這款柔軟、蓬鬆、透氣的羽絨被在每次洗滌後都會變得更好,並在保持身體健康的同時提供您應得的清爽睡眠。
  • 乾爽透氣 這款羽絨被採用天然透氣面料,其中含有旨在吸附過敏原和調節體溫的纖維和材料,讓您整夜保持涼爽、通風和舒適。
  • 環保的 素食主義者友好,不含任何有害化學物質。 您可以放心,這款羽絨被是使用符合道德標準的材料、可持續實踐和公平的工作條件製造的。

So, what makes this duvet so special?

  • Anti-Bacteria & Anti-Odor Premium quality fabric and odor control technology separate this comforter from the rest by effectively inhibiting odor generation and the growth of bacteria, providing the right conditions for an amazing sleep.
  • Hypoallergenic Unlike traditional down and feather duvets, this hypoallergenic duvet features an exclusive anti-dust mite fabric and filling design that works to contain and repel allergens, so you get the best night of sleep, every night!
  • Light ,Fluffy & Soft as Air This soft, fluffy, and breathable duvet gets even better with every wash and provides the refreshing nights' rest you deserve while keeping your body healthy.
  • Dry & Breathable This duvet uses natural, breathable fabric that contains fibers and materials designed to trap allergens and regulate body temperature so you can stay cool, ventilated, and comfortable throughout the night.
  • Eco-Friendly Vegan-friendly and free from any harmful chemicals. You can be reassured knowing that this duvet was manufactured using ethically sourced materials, sustainable practices, and fair working conditions.
     超越全球標準 我們經過認證的床上用品是讓您睡個好覺的關鍵: - 來自瑞士的生物基 USDA 認證銀離子技術 - 通過國際SGS標準認證 - Oeko-Tex® 標準 100 - 經國際羽絨羽毛實驗室測試 SURPASSING THE GLOBAL STANDARD Our certified bedding is the key to achieving your best night's sleep: - Bio-based USDA Certified Silver-ions Technology from Switzerland - Certified by International SGS Standard - Oeko-Tex® Standard 100 - Tested by International Down & Feather Laboratory   尺碼和填充物 | SIZE & FILLING 單人 150 x 200 厘米(1050 克)| Single 150 x 200 cm (1050 g) 雙人 200 x 220 厘米(1540 克)| Double 200 x 220 cm (1540 g) 大號 220 x 220 厘米(1694 克)| Queen 220 x 220 cm (1694 g) 特大床 220 x 240 厘米(1848 克)| King 220 x 240 cm (1848 g)    

6G, Reason Group Tower, 403-413 Castle Peak Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong Tel: 51322677 E-mail: info@orangebox.com.hk